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Here’s a new way to achieve an immaculate complexion

Here’s a new way to achieve an immaculate complexion

Aesop introduces a new multitasking tonic

As summer comes to an end and we transition into a new season, our sun-crisped skin is also about to face different challenges. During this transition, your complexion might look worse before it gets better.

If you’re dealing with dry, patchy, and uneven skin, Aesop’s latest addition to its vitamin-rich SkinCare+ range can help. The Immaculate Facial Tonic features Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide) and Provitamin B5 (Panthenol) to replenish and soften the skin, supporting suppleness and resilience. It also contains Mucor Miehei Extract, an enzyme renowned for its gentle exfoliating properties, making it suitable for daily use.

To maximize the effects of this tonic, you can apply it using your hands or a pad. If you double cleanse, apply half a teaspoon directly to your skin by pressing it lightly, preparing it for moisturizer or sunscreen. If you prefer a single cleanse and want to remove unseen debris, use a pad for an even more pristine complexion. You also want to avoid the eye area as it is more sensitive compared to the rest of the face.

See Also

The Immaculate Facial Tonic is now available on Aesop’s website.

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