New kid on the block: the vibrant Craig Uy

The 21-year-old model is one to look out for
His glowing skin, his piercing eyes, his chiseled jaw, Craig Uy’s visuals are hard to miss when he’s all over fashion campaigns and Tiktok’s For You Page.
With only five months of experience, he’s worked with Cruz, an up and coming local fashion designer brand, shot with streetwear brand Oxgn, modeled for Issy and Co.’s skincare line, and even photographed by well-known photographers in the Philippines like Doc Marlon Pecjo and Dookie Ducay. With this impressive body of work, Craig is one to look out for.

Aside from doing a good job in the fashion industry, Craig is also performing well on social media. The 21-year-old has more than forty thousand followers on social platforms with posts garnering hundred thousand likes. His entry “A day in the life of a model (in the Philippines)” on Tiktok has more than 95K likes in less than a month and is garnering more traction as followers pile up on his account.
Garage caught up with the civil engineering student about fashion icons, personal style, and dream job as a model allowing us to take a peek into his life as a bonafide model and student in the Philippines.

Have you always wanted to become a model? How were you discovered?
Not necessarily modeling but I was always attracted to the world of fashion. When Anton (Anton Patdu, president of New Monarq Manila) found me and gave me the opportunity to be a part of that world, I grabbed it.
Aside from modeling, what else do you think would excel on?
I’m definitely still working on my skills as a model but besides modeling I think I would excel as a person working in sales or as an engineer.

Who are the models you look up to?
At the moment I look up to Alton Mason and Taemin Park. They know what they are doing and you know what I’ll just let their work speak for themselves.
Who is your favorite fashion designer?
My all-time favorite fashion designer is Simon Porte Jacquemus. Everything about his style, the colors, and his art. It’s actually one of my dreams to be able to work with his brand.
What’s your personal style?
If I were to describe my style it would be mixing formal with street. I like looking clean and formal but not too much, so I tone it down with some streetwear.

What’s the most interesting shoot you’ve done so far?
It’s a shoot I did with photographer Aya Cabauatan. Besides it involving a real snake, that was the first time I felt like I was a part of true art.
Your Tiktok “Day in the life of a model” became viral. What else can you share that’s now a norm in a model’s life?
From my five months of experience, social media has helped me be more seen and known. Models cannot just rely on their management to get them jobs or for them to be known. Social media is a norm that every model has adapted to and if you’re not on it, it can give you a disadvantage especially when you are new.

So far what’s your realization about the modeling industry?
It’s a beautiful industry. Like all jobs, it has its pros and cons. Beauty standards are very high and it could pull down your self-esteem but it also made me realize that you don’t have to please everyone. Each of our looks are unique and a single opinion does not make you any less. I’ve grown in my five months in the industry, and I can say that I’m more confident than I ever was and I’ve learned to accept every part of myself.
Photography: Dan Fugrad
Grooming: Anton Patdu
Produced by: Patricia Lacuesta and Bettina Erquieza
Shot at New Monarq Manila Studio
Accessories from Homura