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LOOK: Actor Paulo Angeles discovers revolutionary hair loss treatment

LOOK: Actor Paulo Angeles discovers revolutionary hair loss treatment

Learn more about the benefits of Exosomes for hair loss

Hair loss is typically perceived as a problem for men in their 40s and 50s. However, it can begin as early as the teenage years and twenties. “People are surprised to learn that the onset of male pattern hair loss actually starts right after puberty, as early as their teens or 20s,” says Shai Aya-ay, a trichologist at Svenson. “Early treatment is key to managing male pattern hair loss and achieving a better prognosis.”

Filipino actor Paulo Angeles is among those who struggle with hair loss. As a public figure, he needs to maintain his best appearance. Despite the absence of a family history of hair loss, Paulo believes that stress and anxiety have contributed to his condition, leading him to take a break from acting at one point.

Paulo is currently undergoing NexoHair treatment, thanks to a partnership between Svenson and PrimaCure. This treatment employs E50-H Exosomes, derived from marine sources and cultivated in embryonic stem cell media. These Exosomes are applied to the scalp via microneedling, which activates regenerative functions, growth factors, and cell signaling to strengthen, repair, and reactivate dormant hair follicles—all without surgery.

“With hair transplant surgeries, you might see faster results because you’re literally transplanting hair,” says Mike Lee, CEO of PrimaCure. “But if you give Exosomes three to four months, especially if you’re a younger patient, the results are comparable to a graft of 4,000 to 6,000 hairs.” Five sessions over three to four months are recommended for noticeable results.

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Mike Lee, CEO of PrimaCure

Paulo has been impressed by the results and the painless nature of the treatment. “Wala siyang pain, walang surgery involved,” shared the actor. “And nakaka-motivate yung results na nakita ko with other clients who have tried it, kaya hopefully ganun din para sa akin.”

To learn more about NexoHair, visit the Svenson website

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