A night of fun and youthful promise at the Garage Young Talents 2019 party

On the eve of a national holiday, heavy traffic was expected, but Garage friends braved it all to attend the Garage Young Talents party held last Tuesday, June 11, at Early Night in Bonifacio Global City.
With continuation of the magazine’s now-10-year tradition of recognizing new faces and talents in various industries—plus, Garage‘s latest Young Talents-themed issue out now out—a party was rightfully due, and guests arrived in their best tie-dyed summer looks as a nod to the season’s favorite motif.

Booze, care of Rémy Martin, was getting poured early on, with people enjoying on-the-rocks classics and a cocktail drink that perfectly encapsulated that perfect summer twilight.

The musical backdrop for the whole evening came from the sick beats spun by DJs Julian Otsuka and Siangyoo, and Young Talent 2019 Kush Obusan was on hand to introduce her fellow Young Talent inductees.


Garage‘s Young Talents 2019 issue cover stars Gab Lagman and Kyline Alcantara both served summer fashion at the party: Lagman in a blue and white tie-dyed shirt, white chino pants, and classic white Converse Chuck Taylors, and Alcantara in a bleached cropped top and cycling shorts pairing, worn with a dyed orange blazer and Off-White X Converse Chuck 70 kicks.

Grab a copy of our Young Talents 2019 issue to see stories on Gab Lagman and Kyline Alcantara, as well as our full list of this year’s Young Talents.
#GarageYoungTalents2019 Party is in partnership with Converse, Remy Martin, and Early Night.
All photos by Noel Pabalate of Manila Bulletin.