How Superbods contestants keep fit during isolation

It’s important to be healthy in mind and body especially in times like these, and we can definitely pick up tips and tricks that these fitness buffs do to stay healthy. We’ve checked in with some of the Superbods contestants on how they keep fit during isolation, tips that we can incorporate into our daily routines.
Retired professional basketball player Michael Burtscher is out of the metro spending time near the ocean and his horses during the lockdown. How is he keeping himself fit during quarantine? “I wake up super early because I like doing yoga/stretching during sunrise, then I eat a breakfast that consists of oatmeal and fruits,” the surfing cowboy shares. He also said he’s fortunate enough to have gym equipment, which he uses to workout “I do gym workouts in the morning and cardio workouts in the afternoon. My cardio workouts are probably a bit different than others. I do a lot of prison workouts.” Burtscher also maintains a strict diet, which consists of fruits, veggies, tuna and substituting rice with adlai. Whether it’s the waves, horses, or fitness, we suppose it’s one hell of a ride for him. For more fitspiration, you can follow him on Instagram.
Model/actor Philippe Magalona likes to make the best out of the current situation. With the lockdown, he prefers to take the longest route so he can fill up an hour of walk daily when he has to go out and buy essentials, taking precautions with mask and alcohol. As for his exercise at home, he watches what he eats during meals, and does bodyweight workouts, counting 4 sets/25 reps of pushups, pull ups, dips, leg raises, and upside-down pushups five times a week. Magalona also posts exercise videos and fitness challenges on his Instagram account, so give him a follow if you want an online workout buddy.
Super Mom Grace del Rosario, wife and a proud mom to three kids, has a routine that starts with prayer and meditation, followed by house chores and workout. “My workout routine involves a lot of core exercises as warm up then, weightlifting towards the end.” shares the 35-year old make-up artist. As for food, she likes to stick with all-natural, non-processed whole foods cooked in a healthy method. “Aside from tuna, I also get my protein from natural sources like chicken, eggs, and nuts. I also eat lots of fruits and veggies, and make sure I get at least eight hours of sleep and sunshine in the safety of our home to boost immunity. I exercise mostly inside the house, but sometimes I use the punching bag at our rooftop for some muay thai, for cardio burn” she shares. This super mom likes to treat her workout as a form of therapy, too “Ever since I started my fitness journey more than 2 years ago, it has saved my sanity, especially now, being on lockdown with three kids at home all day every day,” Del Rosario adds. See more of her and how she likes to get her kids involved in her workouts through her Instagram.
Helping individuals make sustainable and healthy changes in lifestyle is another contestant, Enzo Bonoan. Being a physique and an OCR athlete, he confesses he’s more comfortable working out outdoors than at home, which had him making big adjustments. His resourcefulness and some key equipment have helped him make good progress during these trying times. “With this ECQ, it’s actually very tempting for me to just laze around all day and overeat. However, I’d say now is the time to really take care of ourselves through exercise and eating right. Aside from these two being very beneficial to our health & immune system, avoiding excess food helps those who don’t have enough, especially with some areas reporting shortages in relief goods. Now is not the time for gluttony, and interestingly, this helps me avoid overeating.” Bonoan continues to promote his advocacy, Inclusive Fitness, which is about working on himself to set an example and encourage other to do the same. He’s been giving out free Facebook live workout sessions, hosting a health support community via Zoom on weekdays, and webinars for corporate wellness. “Some help out by being front-liners while some help out by preparing PPEs and relief goods. I believe my activities are my ways of contributing to our society during these trying times.” he adds. Join more of his fitness tutorials by following him on Instagram.
Although the finalists have been announced for Century Tuna Superbods 2020, it’s not too late for you to hop on a fitness journey and become a Superbod yourself as they have just announced Superbods at Home. By signing up, you will be sent new workout videos on Facebook Messenger to help you achieve your fitness goals. Aside from the workouts, recipes, fitness tips and inspirational messages by Nadine Lustre and Alden Richards will be sent as well. Weekly prizes and a grand prize of PHP50,000 is at stake. You just have to send photos or videos about your fitness journey to qualify. Learn more about the competition by clicking this link on Century Tuna’s Facebook Page.