How Henry Cavill Trains for Netflix’s “The Witcher”

A fit and trim Henry Cavill appeared before various members of the media during the press conference of Netflix’s “The Witcher,” available starting December 20. In a brown suit coat, mint-green shirt, slacks and brown oxfords, his easy presence elicited cheers from the audience anticipating the action hero star.

A fantasy and adventure series based on the work of Polish writer Andrezj Sapkowsky, “The Witcher” takes one into the world of Geralt of Rivia, a mutated hired man who offers the service of killing monsters. The series has made enough impact to inspire its rendering as a video game, which came out well before the television series.
What one might discover in the series is that killing a supernatural creature might be easier than dealing with human character. This, along with making the stories fit within the limits of television episodes, might be the specific challenge for showrunner Lauren Schmidt Hissrich, who was with Cavill during the press conference.

What might be easy to think, too, is that looking good is the main factor in landing the role of Geralt in “The Witcher.” Given Cavill’s sharp jawline and natural muscular endowment, it might be convenient to think in such a way – except that Cavill himself disproves the idea.
Cavill says, “Because of the athleticism of Geralt’s fighting style – there’s a lot of pirouettes, a lot of explosive movements, a lot of uneven ground…you have to make sure that everything is protected. The right muscle groups, which can protect knee joints or whatever it may be, that was what I and my trainer focused on the most.”

What one finds out from Cavill is that exercise is a paramount priority for him, and that he tries to fit this within his working schedule to ensure that he is safe and secure when he performs his own stunts. In addition to this, Cavill also had to work with an expert in the various aspects of exercise and human kinetics to ensure both protection and aesthetic value.
In the end, one might find that there is much more to the pleasure one derives from watching television series such as “The Witcher.” Careful assessment and actions on the part of the actors are integral to ensure excellent appearances and performances. The happy CosPlayers at the press conference, whose amazing representations bespeak the effort Cavill puts in to be in character, must know this quite well.
The Witcher premieres globally on Netflix December 20th, 2019.
Writer: Niccolo Rocamora Vitug