New store, next-level travel experience

The Travel Club+ expands to Power Plant Mall
Earlier this year, The Travel Club launched its new concept store at Shangri-La Mall in Mandaluyong City, offering innovative ways to travel light and with ease. Now, just in time for the holiday season, the Primer Group of Companies is opening another Travel Club+ at Power Plant Mall, creating a fresh destination for families, pet lovers, creative travelers, and adventure seekers alike.
The Travel Club+ offers a curated selection of travel essentials, from art supplies for creative journeys to accessories for pets. Mirroring the first location, this new branch also includes a Viennoiserie and lounge area, where guests can enjoy rich coffee and indulge in delicious pastries as they plan their next getaway.
Shoppers can personalize their travel essentials at the Custom Corner, making each item uniquely theirs. A dedicated Customer Care Corner is also available for repairs, ensuring travel gear is always ready for the next adventure.

Like the Shangri-La branch, The Travel Club+ at Power Plant Mall hosts First Class Events—exclusive gatherings designed to enrich travelers’ knowledge and experience. These events provide immersive insights, interactive activities, and valuable tips to help prepare for upcoming trips.

To stay updated on The Travel Club+ Power Plant Mall, follow them on social media.