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Easy perm: Here’s a new wave of texture for stick-straight hair

Easy perm: Here’s a new wave of texture for stick-straight hair

This punk-inspired hairstyle is taking over our FYP

South Korea has been a significant influence in the world of fashion and grooming, with its styles gaining popularity not only in the Philippines but across the globe. We Filipinos have embraced their approach to skincare and haircare, with one trend we’ve particularly adopted being the down perm. This technique focuses on flattening or relaxing the hair, especially along the sides, to create a sleeker, more manageable look. It has gained popularity, particularly among men, for its ability to tame unruly hair without the need for daily styling, offering a polished, low-maintenance option for those looking to refine their hairstyle.

While the sleek look of down perming still has a strong following, a new and intriguing hairstyle is gaining traction on social media: the Easy Perm, also known as the Easy Drill. Unlike down perming, this style adds more texture to the hair, making it especially appealing for those with short, stick-straight hair. In contrast to the minimalist look of down perming, this technique is better suited to punk styles due to its playful, rock-and-roll vibe.

@yasu_58 EASY DRILL 🧑🏼‍🦱💈🌏 この夏イージーパーマのオーダー増えてきてます🔥 根本黒残しだと束感に立体感がでて良き◎ イージーパーマは潰すだけではなく、 質感を変化させ、動きのあるデザインも可能です! 様々な派生した形が生まれネクストムーブきてます🆕 理美容かけ合わせた技術とメンズデザインを軸に ファッション感あるヘア、ご提案します✂︎ new texture 体感せよ👍🏻❤️‍🔥 #easyperm#easypunk#easydrill#イージーパーマ#イージーパンク#イージードリル#メンズハイトーン#スパイキーショート ♬ DNA (feat. Kohjiya & PUNPEE) – BIM

Another fun aspect of this trend is its DIY nature. Hairstylists use a drill to create twists in the hair after applying the perming solution. While this technique can work on dark hair, bleached hair adds dimension to the look, especially when the roots are left dark.

We discovered a stylist based in Kego, Fukuoka, Japan, who specializes in this style. His shop, Zoey, offers cutting, bleaching, and the Easy Perm which ranges from ¥6,000 to ¥18,000.

Although this may seem like a fun and an easy DIY project, we advise proceeding with caution, especially when working with drills. Be careful not to get your hair caught in the machine, particularly if you have long hair, as no one wants to accidentally end up bald.

Featured image source: @zoey_tani

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