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LOOK: Farm-to-face brand is finally here in the Philippines

LOOK: Farm-to-face brand is finally here in the Philippines

Farmacy is a clean, cruelty-free skincare brand

A good skincare routine is not measured by the number of steps and layers of products but by the quality of the ingredients we put on our face. This belief also aligns with the ethos of Farmacy, a farm-to-face brand that champions a portfolio of offerings that are clean, cruelty-free, and sustainable. This Leaping Bunny certified brand offers three major collections as of date: Green Collection, Honey Collection, and Science Activated.

The first collection is targeted towards individuals looking for a clearer complexion. It features moringa extracts and papaya enzymes from the farm, and beta hydro acids and niacinamide from the clinic. This formulation is said to suit people with combination and acne-prone skin.

Farmacy Honey Collection

The Honey Collection’s primary purpose is to hydrate and nourish the skin with the use of buckwheat honey blended with propolis, royal jelly, alpha hydroxy acids, ceramides, and hyaluronic acid for intense nourishment. This mix is perfect for people who are looking to hydrate their normal, dry, and reactive skin, especially those between 25 and 35 years of age.

As for the Science Activated line, it utilizes powerful and clinically proven ingredients such as retinol, vitamin C, and peptides, as well as upcycled, sustainable farm ingredients to target specific skin concerns such as fine lines and sagging skin.

See Also

Farmacy Green Clean Balm

Best sellers from Farmacy include the award-winning Green Clean balm cleanser that removes sunscreen, other makeup products, and impurities from the skin. Another cult favorite is the Honey Halo ceramide moisturizer with shea butter and vitamin E, which locks in moisture in the skin.

Farmacy is now available at Lookatme boutiques and at the Skinsmart counter at SM Makati.

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