In good company: On the road with Casius Panopio

The adrenaline junkie talks bikes, sports, fitness, and pageant
Looking through Casius Panopio’s socials, one could not help but wonder: Where does all his energy, testosterone, and athleticism come from? He plays ball, dives, wakeboards, windsurfs, goes to the gym, he rides bikes, and even competes in pageants.
Once we were able to get one-on-one with him, we understood quickly: It’s in his genes. Casius comes from a family of sportsmen. He’s the son of SouthEast Asian Games winner, Roberto Arnel G. Panopio, who won bronze for competing in the sport of windsurfing back in 1995.
Ever since he was a kid, Casius grew up with hobbies related to sports. “When I was in grade school, l played basketball and was a varsity player up until college. Also, during my freshman year until my senior year in high school, I participated in Philippine Windsurfing Association where I trained and competed in national competitions,” Casius shares. Having a physique fit on the runway and on-screen, Casius also won the title of Misters of Filipinas (Mister Ocean Philippines) in 2018.
Aside from the adventure and excitement brought by these sports, Casius also likes the adrenaline given by riding bikes. “I love bikes. When I was young, I dreamt of having those big bikes when I finally get a job or when the time comes. I really like fast bikes and cars. I told you I love racing and pure adrenaline,” the model shares.

Now at 24, he’s still as active, if not more. Busy managing a business, grinding in the gym, playing water sports, taking over the road or on the stage. On this exclusive, we were able to get to know Casius a little bit better. The model shared some pointers on how to ride safe yet adrenaline-filled as well as how to achieve his physique. Read through below:
Can you please share your fitness routine? How often do you work out?
I work out at least five times a week. Mostly in the morning before I start my errands. If I have spare time, I work out again in the afternoon. Sometimes I work out eight times a week. Five times in the morning then Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday in the afternoon.
How do you keep yourself motivated most when you work out?
Working out and having body goals is a lifestyle. It will take time for you to improve your body and little by little to achieve your goals. That’s my motivation.
Which part of your body are you proud of and how do you maintain it?
Abs! But I love all of my body parts because I’m working out my upper and lower body parts intensively. I want a proportionate body also. Close to sexy body! Laughter
How would you describe your personal style?
Minimalist! I love simple clothes, shoes and style. Black and white shirt, shoes and pants. The more you’re simple, the more you’re comfortable.
What can we look forward to from you in the near future?
You can see more about fitness, water sports, and riding a bike in my feed. Nothing will change. It’s my lifestyle. In my career, I hope to become a successful businessman.